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411 TNA Impact Ranking 1.19.14

January 19, 2014 | Posted by Dan Wojcik

411 TNA Impact Ranking 1.19.2014

Welcome to the 411 TNA Impact Rankings! I am still Dan Wojcik and I am coming to you from a semi-undisclosed location somewhere inside the heart of the corn belt. There are many different ranking systems out there. The WWE Power rankings. The Wrestler of the Week rankings. And whatever other ranking systems you may want to find. This is the TNA Impact Ranking though, were I get to rank the current movers and shakers in TNA. This column is similar to the MP Schroeder’s WWE RPI Rankings. I want to have some fun with this…

My Criteria Base:

  • Wins and Losses
  • Momentum
  • Overall Strength of Booking
  • Only TV and PPV Count Towards This (One Night Only PPV’s are NOT included)
  • If You Hold a Title, Your Chances of Appearing Are Good, but not Guaranteed!

    RANKINGS1. Madison Rayne: This past week on Impact, Madison Rayne went up against the TNA Knockouts Champion, Gail Kim for the title! As you have obviously guessed, since Rayne is ranked number 1, she must have defeated Gail Kim and won the title. Well that is exactly what happened. In fact it happened so suddenly, that the announcers completely missed it until the match was done! So for winning the TNA Knockouts Title for the Fifth Time, Madison Rayne the Killer Queen of the Mountain!

    RANKINGS2. Bully Ray: Bully Ray went up against Mr. Anderson in a No disqualification match for TNA’s special Genesis presentation on Impact this past week. While Bully kept teasing us with the lighter fluid, it was Mr. Anderson who coated it on the table Dudley’s Style; only to fall victim to a lowblow by your anti-hero Bully Ray. Bully then delivered a wicked looking piledriver on Anderson for the win.

    RANKINGS3. Samoa Joe: The Samoan Submission machine was involved in a crazy 12 person inter-gender tag team match on TNA’s presentation of Genesis on Impact this past week. What made the match even more chaotic was they seemed to be using a very loose Luccha Libre tag rules; some gets knocked out of the ring and someone else could get in and continue the match without a tag. Watch it if you don’t believe me! Watch it! The match came to an end when Joe forced Christopher Daniels to tap out in the middle of the ring.

    RANKINGS4. Ethan Carter III: EC3 went up against the Icon Sting this past week. However we received a special Guest referee in the form of Rockstar Spud. Despite being woefully outclassed, EC3 managed to get the win when the World Champ came down to ring side and pulled Spud out of the ring. He then removed his dress shirt to reveal a ref’s shirt and performed one of the worst fast counts even, I think he got to two, and gave the win to EC3. EC3 continues his undefeated streak of never having been pinned or submitted.

    RANKINGSRANKINGS5. Magnus and Sting: Your TNA World Champion helped to kick off the show by hand delivering his extra belt to Dixie Carter in an effort to officially kick off the ‘Reign of Magnus’. Everyone who helped him defeat AJ Styles from last week came out. Sting however took issue with how Magnus defeated AJ. Thanks to Stings presence, the 12 Person Inter-gender Tag Match was set up! During the main event, Magnus helped EC3 to defeat Sting for the win. Sting once again took issue with Magnus by saying an I am loosely quoting this, “Men make Champions, Boys wear belts”. Magnus would eventually succumb to the challenge of Sting and offer him a one-time shot at the World Title next week, if Sting put his contract renewal on the line. Needless to say, it is Title vs Contract for next week on Impact!

    6. Eric Young, Gunner, James Storm, Joseph Park and ODB : In Sixth place, we have a five way tie. It is the rest of the winning team from the 12 Person Inter-Gender Tag match. They have all made it on not just for the win, but for continuing to tell and build their storylines. EY’s experiment with Joseph Park continued, but the question came up of can EY control the Abyss within Park as he took out both Storm and Gunner during the match. Storm and Gunner continued their back and forth bit as it relates to their match next week with the World Title shot on the line. Finally, ODB continued to build her story arc as it relates to Lei’D Tapa.

    RANKINGS7. Austin Aries, Velvet Sky and Chris Sabin: We have a three way folks! Austin Aries continues to be ‘The Greatest Man that Ever Lived’ this past week on Impact. What started in the back, culminated in the ring as a jealous Chris Sabin confronted Velvet Sky, only to bring out the Fifth Triple Crown Winner in TNA, A Double. Through some back and forth gibbering, Aries eventually gets to have the match he wants against Sabin for the X-Division title, with Velvet Sky locked in a cage at ring side. And if Sabin loses the title, then Velvet is leaving him for a real man.

    RANKINGS8. Samuel Shaw: Eight place goes exclusively to Samuel Shaw folks! The man simply does not like to share. To top off the backstage beat down that he gave to Pat Kenney, aka Simon Diamond, he beat the man with his own shoe and then smelled it afterwards. Gotta say that I am liking the newer version of this Samuel Shaw than the older version.

    RANKINGS9. Kurt Angle and Bobby Roode: I have to give Angle the slightly higher billing on this duo. Angle went around half the night looking for Dixie Carter in order to get answers for the actions that happened last week. For those of you who missed it, Dixie faked an emergency call from Kurt’s family in order to get him out of the arena. Eventually Kurt would wander out to the ring and call out Dixie. Words were said. More words were said. I went into a mild coma and came out in time to watch security stand by in the ring as Bobby Roode would level Kurt Angle with a clothesline to the back of the head and then allow him to deliver the Roodebomb, with the blessing of Dixie Carter. Should make next weeks’ Steel Cage match that much more interesting.

    RANKINGS10. The Wolves: Then number 10 spot this week goes to the debuting team of Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards, The Wolves. If you have not watched the matches that these guys put on in RoH, then you need to catch up on some viewing. They get the number ten spot for admittedly a weak vignette, but it was still a splash of tv time. If you went to the bathroom, you probably missed it. I know I almost did.
  • That’s it folks!
  • Those stuck in Dixieland looking in include: Bromans, Bad Influence, Zema Ion, Gail Kim and Mr. Anderson.
  • Your Forgotten Wrestler of the Week is…

    RANKINGSManik: The masked man has not been seen in quite a while. Here is a link for you to the 2013 Ultimate X Match featuring him. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOqpEbdDjd8 .
  • And that is the list for this week!


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    Dan Wojcik

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