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From The Shelf- TNA Slammiversary 2006

July 6, 2013 | Posted by Dylan Diot
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From The Shelf- TNA Slammiversary 2006  

TNA Slammiversary 2006
Orlando, FL

Key Points:
-The annual tradition of King of the Mountain returns with five of TNA’s best trying to become NWA Champion.
-AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels have an ace in the hole as they get one last chance against America’s Most Wanted for the NWA Tag Team Championship.
-Scott Steiner and Samoa Joe wage a war of words for weeks leading to Joe’s biggest challenge yet in his undefeated streak.
-Team 3D looks to get revenge on the James Gang in their extreme element, a Bingo Hall Brawl.
-Kevin Nash wages war with the X-Division as Chris Sabin looks to avenge it.

Your hosts are Mike Tenay and Don West.

Bingo Hall Brawl- Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon) vs. James Gang (BG and Kip James)
All four men come brawling into the building as the pyro finishes going off, kicking off the match. In the ring, Kip and Ray have a chair battle which ends with Kip nailing him in the back. He tosses a chair at Ray and BG nails him with another chair for 2. Devon cleans house with a kendo stick and Team 3D hit a back suplex/neckbreaker combo on Kip for 2. They fight on the floor and into the crowd. They fight into the LAX area of the building and LAX lay a beat down on BG and Devon. Kip puts the railings on top of some chairs but Ray catches him with a hiptoss onto the railing. More crowd brawling and in the ring, Ray chokes Kip with a BRA!!!! He grabs a cheese grater but Kip goes low. He goes for an Avalanche in the corner but Ray blocks with the cheese grater. He rakes the face of Kip with the cheese grater but eats a trash can lid shot from BG. Devon and BG nail each other with a trash can lid and everyone is down. Slam by Ray and Devon goes up. He goes for the What’s Up but BG blocks with a trash can lid. Ray nails BG IN THE GROIN WITH A GOLF CLUB!!! Fameasser into the trash can by Kip to Ray gets 2. Kip nails Devon with a cookie sheet a few times but Ray nails Kip in the back with a kendo stick to stop him. Doomsday Device by Team 3D gets 2!!! They set up a table in the ring and Devon dumps BG to the floor. He goes for the Half Nelson slam but Devon goes low to block and they 3D Kip through the table for 3!!!
Winners- Team 3D *** ( Fun hardcore match to kick off the show. The crowd was red hot for it and everyone took a good beating without doing anything crazy. I have no problems with this. )

Jeff Jarrett says he has excelled when people doubted him. He claims Sting and Cage will have an ego clash during the match and Truth and Abyss will not be able to sneak in the back door. He says in the match he made famous, King of the Mountain, only he will win the title. Larry Zybysko appears and is worried about the new head of TNA management. Jarrett tells him he keeps screwing up and now he’s in this situation and walks away.

Video package for Rhino/Bobby Roode and Scott D’Amore airs.

Bobby Roode and Scott D’Amore vs. Rhino
Before the match, D’Amore claims Rhino made this a handicap match because he couldn’t handle a one on one match with him. Rhino attacks Rood e as D’Amore runs away to the top of the ramp. Backdrop by Rhino and Roode bails. Back in, D’Amore enters the ring but quickly tags Roode. Clotheslines by Rhino and he sends Roode into the corner. Roode wants a tag but D’Amore is having none of it. The ref however claims D’Amore made a blind tag so Rhino pulls him in. Rhino chases D’Amore on the floor and Roode catches Rhino with a clothesline on the floor. Back in, D’Amore stomps away but Rhino grabs him. Roode comes in and drops Rhino with a stunner for 2. Tag to Roode and he chokes Rhino in the ropes. Roode sends Rhino hard into the corner for 2. Tag to D’Amore and he hits some rights on Rhino. Jawbreaker by D’Amore but Rhino grabs him. He tries the Rhino Driver but Roode breaks it up. Kneedrop by D’Amore gets 2. Tag to Roode and he hits a suplex for 2. Roode chokes away and hits some rights. Double sledge to the back by Roode gets 2 and D’Amore tags in. Legdrop by D’Amore and he follows up with a fist drop for 2. Tag to Roode and he stomps away. Neck crank by Roode but Rhino fights out. Belly to belly suplex by Rhino and both men are down. Rhino charges in the corner but eats boot and Roode hits a neckbreaker for 2. Roode hammers away on the mat and D’Amore tags in. He goes up and misses a moonsault off the top. Roode goes up and leaps but Rhino nails him on the way down. Rhino cleans house and hits a leaping shoulderblock. Shoulder to the gut in the corner by Rhino but D’Amore nails Rhino in the back with a hockey stick. D’Amorilizor is block and Rhino hits the spinebuster. He dumps Roode to the floor and he Gores D’Amore for 3!!!
Winner- Rhino ** ( This match went way too long. The beating on Rhino was boring and Scott D’Amore getting a ton of offense on Rhino made no sense. At least they gave the crowd the payoff they wanted. )

Samoa Joe says Scott Steiner’s only advantage against him is that he has also yet to be pinned in TNA but Joe promises to take that away tonight.

X-Division Ranking Elimination Match- Senshi vs. Shark Boy vs. Petey Williams vs. Jay Lethal vs. Alex Shelley vs. Sonjay Dutt
This is to determine the list of contenders for the X-Division championship. Williams and Shark Boy start. Williams slaps Shark Boy but Shark Boy comes back with a dropkick. Arm drag by Shark Boy and he work over the arm of Williams. Williams fights back with forearms but eats a backdrop from Shark Boy. Punches in the corner by Shark Boy but Williams takes him out with a reverse atomic drop. Williams puts him in the tree of woe and goes up but Shark Boy bites his butt!!! Williams bails and Shark Boy follows out with a slingshot pescado. Back in, Lethal tags in. Corner forearm by Lethal and Shark Boy lifts Williams for a leg lariat Hart Attack by Lethal for 2. Backbreaker by Lethal gets 2. High knee by Williams and he dropkicks the leg of Lethal. Tag to Senshi and he throws some kicks to the chest for 1. Chops by Senshi but Lethal fights back with chops of his own. Dropkick by Lethal gets 1. Flapjack by Lethal gets 2. Spin kick to the gut followed by an Axe kick by Senshi gets 2. Tag to Shelley and they hit a double back elbow to Lethal. Neck tie chinlock by Shelley and he stretches Lethal while in the hold. Lethal rolls out but Shelley catches him with the Lungblower for 2. Jawbreaker by Lethal and he hits a hip toss into a basement dropkick. Tag to Dutt and he hits a hurricanrana to Shelley. Drop toe hold by Dutt and he hits a summersault senton into a standing moonsault for 2. Dutt walks the ropes but Shelley crotches him and then grinds his crotch off the ropes!!! Shelley chokes Dutt in the ropes and hits a spin kick for 2. Lionsault by Shelley gets 2 and he tags Shark Boy by putting his hand in his crotch and then putting it in his face. Everyone comes in for suplex attempts with Dutt, Lethal, and Shark Boy winning that battle. Dutt and Shark Boy slug it out and Shark Boy hits a facebuster. Kneelift by Shark Boy and he hits a slingshot splash for 2. Corner back elbow by Dutt and he charges again but eats boot. Dutt blocks the Dead Sea Drop but Shark Boy catches him with a sitting neckbreaker. Shark Boy goes up and misses a flying elbow drop. Standing SSP by Dutt gets 3. Shark Boy is eliminated.
Shelley attacks Dutt and chokes him with his boot in the corner. Enzuigiri by Shelley and he goes for Sliced Bread #2 but Dutt blocks. Swinging neckbreaker by Dutt gets 2. Dutt goes up and leaps but Shelley moves. Shelley presses Dutt to the top rope and hits a lungblower. Lethal blind tags in and hits the springboard dropkick to Shelley. Flatliner into the corner by Shelley and he hits a dropkick to the ass of Lethal. Brainbuster by Shelley and he goes up. He goes for a back senton off the top but eats knees. Release Dragon Suplex by Lethal gets 3. Alex Shelley is eliminated.
Everyone comes in and lay each other out with moves. Dutt goes for a suicide dive but Senshi catches him with a kick to the head. Slingshot hurricanrana to the floor by Williams to Senshi. Suicide dive to Williams by Lethal. Dutt goes up and hits a moonsault press to the floor!!!! Back in, Lethal hits a one leg dropkick to Williams and goes up. Lethal misses the diving headbutt and Williams hits the Canadian Destroyer for 3. Jay Lethal is eliminated.
Corner clothesline by Dutt to Williams and he goes for a powerbomb off the apron but Williams blocks with a legdrop. Back in, Williams gets 2. Williams charges at Dutt but misses and hits Senshi. Roll-up by Dutt gets 2 and he hits an enzuigiri for 2. Hot shot by Williams but Senshi comes in and catches Williams with a clothesline. Senshi presses Dutt to the mat and goes up. Williams stops him and follows up. He goes for a sunset flip powerbomb but Senshi blocks and Dutt catches him with the Standing Sliced Bread #2. Warrior’s Way by Senshi gets 3. Petey Williams is eliminated.
Senshi goes up but Dutt stops him and follows up. Frankensteiner off the top by Dutt and he hits a basement dropkick for 2. Tilt-a-whirl DDT by Dutt gets 2. Dutt goes for the sunset flip but Senshi blocks with a double stomp for 2. Dutt blocks the Ki Krusher and Dutt hits a facebuster into a neckbreaker. He goes up but the 450 Splash eats knees. Running dropkick by Senshi and he puts Dutt in the tree of woe. Senshi goes up and hits the Ghetto Stomp for 3!!!
Winner- Senshi ***1/2 ( Crowd wasn’t that into this which is too bad because it was an excellent X-Division showcase. It kicked into second gear once the eliminations started happening and featured breath taking and exciting action. This was one of Dutt’s best performances I’ve seen from him in TNA. )

Kevin Nash sends a Father’s Day message to Chris Sabin’s dad by telling him he’s not responsible for what happens to Chris Sabin tonight. He’ll prove that size does matter.

Video package for Nash/Sabin airs.

Kevin Nash vs. Chris Sabin
Nash hammers away to start but Sabin comes back with rights. Knee to the gut by Nash stops the momentum and he knocks Sabin down. Rights again by Sabin but Nash pokes the eye to stop him this time. Dropkick by Sabin and Nash bails. He calls Alex Shelley out and they have a conference on the floor. Shelley distracts Sabin allowing Nash to catch Sabin with a clothesline. He chokes Sabin with his boot in the corner as Shelley unties the top turnbuckle. Nash looks for the Snake Eyes but Sabin escapes and shoves Nash into the exposed turnbuckle. Second rope dropkick by Sabin gets 2. He goes for the Cradle Shock but Nash is too heavy. Shelley grabs the leg of Sabin, allowing Nash to hit a big boot. Sidewalks slam by Nash gets 2. Backbreaker by Nash and he stretches Sabin across his knee. He releases and covers for 2. Knees to the gut in the corner by Nash and he hits another big boot. He goes for the Jackknife powerbomb but Sabin blocks and falls on top of Nash for 2. He goes for the Cradle Shock but Shelley saves him. Nash goes to nail Sabin but misses and he holds himself from nailing Shelley. Dropkick to the leg by Sabin and he hits a suicide dive to Shelley on the floor!!! Back in, he hits some clotheslines on Nash and hits a springboard clothesline to knock him down for 2. Sabin goes up and hits a legdrop off the top rope for 2. Sabin goes up again but Shelley crotches him, allowing Nash to hit the Jackknife Powerbomb for 3.
Winner- Kevin Nash **1/2 ( I loved the story of Nash hight and weight being an issue for Sabin so he had to resort to speed and high flying maneuvers to drive the big man down. I have no issues with Nash getting the win since it primarily Shelley’s interference that helped him get the win. I actually really liked the story line and wished Sabin eventually got his win back but that’s Nash for ya. )

AMW tells Styles and Daniels their experiment as a tag team has been a failure as they have beaten them every time out. Gail Kim tells Styles and Daniels that nothing will be different even with their own neutralizer they claim to have to stop her.

Video package for AMW/Styles and Daniels airs.

NWA Tag Team Championship- AMW (Chris Harris and James Storm) w/Gail Kim vs. AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels
This is Styles and Daniels’ last chance at the titles. Storm hides something under the ring before the match. He and Styles start. Storm dumps Styles to apron but Styles comes right back in. Dropkick by Styles and he tags Daniels. Daniels works the arm of Storm and they take turns working over the arm of Storm. Storm backs Daniels to the corner and AMW double team him in the corner. Tag to Harris and he and Daniels battle for control. Harris pokes the eye of Daniels but Daniels takes him down and steps on Harris’ head to come back. Leg lariat by Daniels and he drop toe holds Storm into the 69 position. Styles dumps Storm who skins the cat and accidentally headscissors Harris to the floor. Styles dumps Storm and he hits the summersault plancha to the floor onto AMW!!! Back in, Daniels slams Storm and hits a slingshot elbow drop for 2. Tag to Styles and he drives Storm into the knees of Daniels for 2. Slam by Styles and he hits a knee drop for 2. Harris low bridges Styles sending him crashing to the floor allowing a double team attempt from AMW. Daniels comes out and all four men brawl on the floor. Styles looks to springboard off the railings but Storm pushes the railings sending Styles crashing sternum first. Back in, Harris covers for 2. Leaping clothesline by Harris gets 2. Tag to Storm and he leap frogs over Harris onto the back of Styles for 2. Kick to the head by Storm gets 2. Harris comes in and he hits a delayed suplex onto Styles. He chokes away and tags Storm. They stomp away on Styles in the corner and prevents Styles from tagging in by ramming him into the corner. Release butterfly suplex by Storm gets 2. Storm goes up but Styles throws some knees to the head and hits the Pele to bring him off. Tags to Harris and Daniels. Daniels hits an enzuigiri to Harris and he slams Storm. Arabian Press by Daniels and Harris goes for an elbow drop but misses and hits Storm. Harris sends Daniels to the corner and goes for the bulldog but Daniels counters into the Blue Thunder Driver. He covers but Gail Kim is on the top rope distracting the ref. Styles shoves her off the top and some big chick comes out. She chokeslams Gail and dumps her to the floor. She carries Gail to the back as Storm goes up with Daniels. Styles shoves Storm off the top and Daniels counters an Electric chair attempt by Harris into a Victory roll for 2. Harris backdrops out of the Angel’s Wings attempt but Daniels comes back with the O’Connor roll. Harris powers out of it and Storm throws a chair at the head of Daniels for 2!!! Styles tags in and hits a springboard forearm to Harris. Springboard Reverse DDT to Storm. Pumphandle gutbuster to Harris and Styles goes up. Spiral Tap misses and Harris nails Styles with the handcuffs for 2 as Daniels pulls the ref out of the ring!!! They go for the Death Sentence but Daniels breaks it up and hits a DVD to Harris. Summersault senton by Styles gets 2. Tag to Daniels and he goes for the Angel’s Wings but Storm breaks it up with a clothesline. Daniels blocks the superkick attempt and he goes low. Angel’s Wings to Storm gets 2 as Harris elbow drops the ref!!! Avalanche in the corner by Styles and he charges again but misses. Storm goes to hit Daniels with a beer bottle but misses and nails Harris!!! Daniels hits the Urinage to Harris. Frog Splash by Styles followed by the BME from Daniels gets 3!!!
Winners and NEW NWA Tag Team Champions- AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels **** ( An awesome blend of old school and new school tag team wrestling. The overbooking with the girls hurt the match a bit but this was tremendous stuff with an exciting final few minutes. )

Sting says he will multi task tonight and his goal is to win the NWA World Championship and make sure he keeps the power away from Jeff Jarrett.

Video package of TNA’s greatest moments airs.

Mike Tenay introduces the new heat of TNA management, Jim Cornette!!!! Cornette says all of the experts TNA has brought in the last few years came in personal agendas that prevented TNA’s growth. Cornette says he gets results and he calls out the TNA superstars to show to step up. He says if people don’t give the results he wants they can look for other employment opportunities. He promises TNA will be the next face of wrestling and they will succeed. He promises we haven’t seen anything yet.

Scott Steiner calls Samoa Joe “sloppy Joe” and lists off the list of men he has beaten. He makes fun of fat people, claiming they all want to see Joe beat him. He promises to kill Samoa Joe tonight.

Video package for Joe/Steiner airs.

Scott Steiner vs. Samoa Joe
Steiner takes Joe down to start and looks to hammer away but Joe quickly goes to the ropes. Chops in the corner by Steiner and he hits a hip toss. Joe spits in Steiner’s face and they slug it out. Kicks to the chest by Joe and he hits a chop to the back. Kick to the chest by Joe and he hits a knee drop. Overhead belly to belly suplex by Steiner and he stomps away. Steiner chokes Joe in the ropes and he charges in the corner but eats boot. Face washes in the corner by Joe and Steiner bails. Elbow suicida by Joe but Steiner comes back by slamming the face of Joe off the steps. Back in, Steiner hits a clothesline followed up by an elbow drop. Chops by Joe but Steiner pokes the eye to block. Belly to belly suplex by Steiner and he hits a Jackknife powerbomb. Joe catches Steiner in the Triangle Choke but Steiner goes to the ropes to break. Jabs in the corner by Joe and he charges in the corner but Steiner catches him with the Urinage. Steiner dumps Joe to the floor and follows out. Steiner grabs a chair but the ref stops him from using it allowing Joe to hammer away. He goes for a clothesline but misses and hits the post. Steiner rams Joe against the apron and he slams the chair against the post sandwiches Joe’s head!!! Joe makes it back in the ring before the ten count!!! Reverse atomic drop by Joe and he hits the Sick Kick. Back senton by Joe and he catches a charging Steiner with the Urinage. Steiner pokes the eye and goes for a slam but Joe escapes. Powerbomb by Joe gets 2. Clotheslines by Joe have no effect and Joe catches Steiner with the Coquina Clutch. Steiner rams Joe into the corner to break and he goes low on Joe. Release Half Nelson suplex by Steiner and he grabs the Steiner Recliner. Joe’s arm only goes down twice and he powers Steiner up. Snap powerslam by Joe gets 3!!!
Winner- Samoa Joe ***1/4 ( Steiner gave more of an effort here than he did in his entire WWE run. The finish was really flat but everything else was really good. Joe got to look great against a big star and made his first chance in a big non X-Division single match count. )

Christian Cage says you can’t live without the NWA Championship, a lesson he has learned in his time as champion. Cage promises to retain his championship.

Video package for King of the Mountain airs.

King of the Mountain Match for NWA World Championship- Christian Cage © vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. Ron Killings vs. Abyss w/James Mitchell vs. Sting
Everyone brawls to start and Killings hits a leg lariat to Jarrett. Flying forearm to Jarrett and he and Cage hit a double hip toss. Superkick by Killings to Cage gets 2. Cage dumps Killings to the floor and he clotheslines Jarrett to the floor. Cage goes up and hits a crossbody to the floor onto Jarrett. Back in, Sting and Killings take turns hitting rights on Abyss. They rake the eyes on a double chokeslam attempt and Killings hits a Scissors Kick. Abyss bails and Killings hits a summersault plancha to the floor!! Sting goes to the top of the penalty box and HITS A CROSSBODY ONTO EVERYONE OFFTHE BOX!!!! Back in, Sting hits the Stinger Splash to Jarrett and Truth hits a missile dropkick for 3. Jeff Jarrett is in the penalty box and Killings can hang the title.
Abyss sets up two tables on the floor as Sting throws Jarrett into the penalty box. Killings tries to pull a ladder into the ring but Christian slingshots the ladder into his face for 2 as Abyss saves. Why? Rights by Abyss and he chokes Cage with his boot. Cage escapes a press slam attempt and rolls Abyss up for 3!!! Abyss is in the box and Cage can hang the belt. Abyss clotheslines Cage before entering the box. Dropkick by Sting to Killings and he stomps away. On the floor, Jarrett sends Cage into a ladder and then rams it into the sternum of Cage. Sting slams Killings and hits an elbow drop. Jarrett sandwiches Cage in the ladder on the floor as Abyss is out of the box. He and Jarrett stack up more tables on the floor and head back in. Sting clotheslines Abyss to the floor as Killings hits the flatliner to Jarrett. Killings charges but gets crotched in the ropes and Jarrett hits the Stroke off the apron onto the railings for 3!!! Killings in the box, Jarrett can climb.
Everyone brawls in the crowd for a bit as Killings is out of the box. He is alone in the ring so he sets up a ladder and begins to climb. Abyss tips the ladder over to take Killings down. Jarrett baseball slides a ladder that Sting was trying to bring in. Jarrett and Abyss clothesline everyone with the ladder and Killings jumps onto the ladder so Jarrett and Abyss dump him off and to the floor!!! Sting and Cage hit a double dropkick driving the ladder into Abyss and Jarrett. Cage sandwiches Jarrett in the ladder and tries to climb the ladder at the same time. Abyss puts him in the electric chair position so Cage headscissors Abyss to the floor. Killings climbs but Abyss tips the ladder again sending Killings crashing to the floor!!! Abyss swings the ladder backward sending it into the face of Earl Hebner!!! Jarrett and Abyss argue over who should hang the belt so Abyss hits the Black Hole Slam on Jarrett for 3 as a new ref comes out!!! Abyss can climb and Jarrett is in the box. Larry Zybysko comes out as Abyss puts the ladder as far away from the center of the ring as humanly possible. Sting shoves the ladder over sending Abyss through the stack of tables. You saw that coming a mile away because of Abyss’ positioning of the ladder. Sting hits the Stinger Splash to Cage and he grabs the Scorpion Deathlock. Jarrett sneaks in and climbs the ladder but Sting breaks it up. Jarrett nails Sting with the belt a few times and goes to use the Guitar but Cage blocks, allowing Sting to hit the Scorpion Deathdrop. Cage climbs as Sting locks the Scorpion Deathlock on Jarrett. Zybysko comes in and goes low on Cage!!! He dumps Cage out of the ring and Sting nails Zybysko. Sting counters the Stroke attempt into the Scorpion Deathdrop. He covers and uses Hebner’s hand off the mat three times. Sting climbs but Cage follows and they argue at the top of the ladder. Now Earl Hebner tips the ladder over sending them crashing to the floor!!! Jarrett climbs and hangs the belt as the crowd tosses garbage into the ring.
Winner and NEW NWA World Champion- Jeff Jarrett ***1/4 ( A fun main event before all of the overbooking kicked in. I was really enjoying the match until Abyss’’ super contrived spot through the table. After that, everything was a mess and the screwjob left a sour note on what was otherwise a good match and good show. )

After the match, Jim Cornette takes the championship away from Jarrett as the show ends.


Team Canada (A1 and Eric Young) vs. The Naturals (Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas) from Slammiversary Pre-Show 6-18-06
Everyone brawls to start and Stevens hits a springboard dropkick knocking Young off the apron. Stevens backdrops Douglas onto Team Canada on the floor!!! Back in, Stevens hits a knee to the gut of Young. Tag to Douglas who cleans house. Flying knee to Young and he hammers away on A1. Natural Disaster onto A1 and Douglas covers but Young breaks it up with a top rope elbow drop. A1 rolls on top for 3.
Winners- Team Canada *1/2 ( I think this was the first time I’ve ever watched a four minute tag match with no tags. The action was fun and it was a nice way to get the crowd going before the PPV. )

After the match, Shane Douglas comes down and tells them they have more work to do. They will not enter the Impact Zone unless he deems them ready. He tells the Naturals if their training doesn’t kill them and they still disappoint him, he’ll kill them personally.

The 411: This was quite a good show. It had a big show atmosphere which is rare for an Impact Zone show and everyone seemed motivated. When Kevin Nash and Scott Steiner are giving a good effort, you know things were clicking on this night. The tag title match is well worth going out of your way to see and the rest of the show was very entertaining and a breeze to sit through. Check this out if you get the chance.
Final Score:  7.5   [ Good ]  legend

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Dylan Diot

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