wrestling / Video Reviews

Death by Midwest: Ring of Honor Take No Prisoners

June 5, 2008 | Posted by John Goozie
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Death by Midwest: Ring of Honor Take No Prisoners  

Death by Midwest

I couldn’t resist reviewing this after watching it on PPV. I haven’t missed a ROH show in Chicago in over 2 years, but I’ve never sat down and done a review. So….why the hell not?

We’re in Philadelphia, PA on March 16th, 2008.

We open with Dave Prazak and Lenny Leonard in the crowd. What’s with the super bright light? They remind everyone this is the home of Ring of Honor. Nigel McGuinness is watching the match and gets angry when he hears the boos of the crowd from a distance.


The 411: Let's see, for no more than $14.99, you get one of the best wrestling shows of the year? Yes, the production needs improving. We all know that. But substance over style, folks. GET THIS SHOW. That's all that needs to be said.
411 Elite Award
Final Score:  8.5   [ Very Good ]  legend

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John Goozie

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